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             How to manage the Norton identity safe logins?

Norton is a highly recommended antivirus all over the world,This is an anti malware software which is developed by Symantec Corporation built in 1991.Many user report that  how to manage the Norton identity safe logins,If yo face the same then you are here in the right page in right time, because here we discuss the he solution which you want o know.
Now we talk about some solution about this matter, this blog helps you to know the exact problem and discuss how to sort out the whole issue with some simple and quick steps which from out Norton Antivirus support team, They are always ready to serve you better.No you see the below to find your solution in this matter.

Why users do manage the Norton identity safe logins?
1.This is very common problem that the user faced,This problem mostly happen the credentials of internet banking,social networking, emails, or online shopping.
2.If user login credentials manually then it would be happen.
3.Collect ID,accounts or pass for a website.
4.After follow the all you may see that the search process is very smooth and faster which will be easy to login the pages.
5. Now you go to the settings page and lick the automatic bottom to run it automatically everything happen itself.
6.Now you can see the offer sign i information which will saved for your website.
7.Now you reach the site and see you are automatically sign in.
8.Now you safe the identity browser like chrome, Firefox.

solution to manage the Norton identity safe logins:
1.First you need to log in your official Norton website.
2.Then put Norton user id and password.
3.Now you see Norton main age window.
4.Here you can see The Norton identity option.
5.Make sure you are double click on it.
6.After all the process you need to hit "identity safe"
7.now you press logins option.
8. After logins you can look the search box.
9.Now you go to edit option and field the required option.
10.Finally follow the all step you need to hit save bottom.
These Are the most common point to sort out the issue,If any user face some difficulty to sort out the issue they can contact Antivirus Chat Support team.

We are discuss almost every point to understand the solution process,We know not only that many other difficult problem aeries The Norton antivirus ,for that reason our Norton technical support team always ready to serve you more effectively.